Overview and Development in the Professional Interestsof Graduate Students
Prof. Dr. Nataliya Pavlova
Episkop Konstantin Preslavski Shumen University
Absract. In this article, we will analyze the needs, interests and realization of the students of The Faculty of mathematics and computer science of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, preparing to become teachers of mathematics, informatics, computer modeling and information technologies...
An Application of Elements of the Quadrilateral’s Geometry for Solving Non-standard Problems
1)Prof. Jordan Tabov, DSc., 2) Prof. Dr. Veselin Nenkov,
3) Dr. Asen Velchev, Assoc. Prof., 4) Dr. Stanislav Stefanov, Assoc. Prof.
1)Institute of Mathematics and Informatics -Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
2) Naval Academy “Nikola Y. Vaptsarov”
3) Technical University - Sofia
4)University of Archtecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy
Absract. Lately, the foundations of a complete geometry of the quadrilateral were laid, built in analogy of the classical geometry of the triangle. Several articles were devoted to it, the PhD-dissertation work of one of the authors of this article (Stefanov 2020), and a book encompassing it in its entirety is soon to be published...
Game-based Programming Teaching for Beginners in Pygame Zero Mode – Sample Python Tasks. Part II – Pygame Library
Rositsa Georgieva, PhD student
South-West University „Neofit Rilski“
Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Absract. This article is a natural continuation of its first part, published in the journal “Mathematics and Informatics”, where the terminology related to game-based learning and the role of tasks in learning the learning content, as well as example tasks and methodical implementation for non-profiled training in programming for high school students through the creation of games, are presented using Python‘s turtle graph...
Data Structure Knowledge Management through Blended Learning
1) 1) Dr. Valentina Dyankova, Assist. Prof. 2) Dr. Milko Yankov
1) Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen - Shumen, Bulgaria
2) Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Absract. The authors focus on the implementation of blended learning for constructing knowledge of Data Structures. One of the challenges of blended learning is to provide a model for creating an integrated learning environment that ensures an effective learning process...
Flipped Classroom and Traditional Method in Teaching Mathematics in Bulgarian School
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evgeniya Nikolova
Burgas Free University (Bulgaria)
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. Flipped learning is an educational technique in which students engage with instructional materials outside of class (such as films, texts, or interactive tutorials) while using class time for active learning tasks such as problem-solving, group work, and discussions…
Graphic Culture of Constructive Modeling of Figures in Metric Stereometry
Ivan Lenchuk, Alla Prus
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University – Zhytomyr (Ukraine)
Abstract. Two approaches for drawing of stereometric objects by a constructive method are presented using algorithms designed to help solve problems in the construction of correct, visual and easy-to-draw drawings…
Using Sensors to Detect and Analyze Students’ Attention during Road Safety Training in Primary School
Assist. Prof. Dr. Stefan Stavrev
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ivelina Velcheva
Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
Abstract. In this study, we use two sensors – Kinect v 2.0 and Tobii 5.0 in order to detect and measure the attention levels of primary school students during the road safety educational classes.