1)Prof. Dmitriy Pol, DSc., 2)Alexey Manchev, PhD Student
1) Moscow Pedagogical State University
2) Sofia University, "St. Kliment Ohridski"
Absract. Universals as a continuation of the traditions of Russian novels of the 19th – 20th centuries. Universal meanings are clearly expressed in Russian novels of the 21st century and are conditioned by modern problems of society. Universal meanings are viewed through the prism of universal images and motives. The image of the wanderer as a universal image in the novels “Laurus”, “Aviator”, “Nenastye”,
“Winter Road”, “Gods of the Steppe”.
Keywords: universal images; universal motives; the image of the wanderertruth-seeker; E.Vodolazkin; A.Ivanov; A.Gelasimov; L.Yuzefovich