Dr. Marlena Daneva, Assist. Prof.
Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy of Sliven
Absract. The article analyses the use of innovative tools and approaches based on information and communication technology (ICT) in inclusive education for students, including students with learning needs and learning difficulties in secondary school at the primary stage of education. The findings of the study contribute to the fact that innovative ICT-based approaches and tools, some of which are original developments, are gaining ground in the modern mainstream school. They have been used in the secondary school “Jordan Jovkov” – Sliven since April 2022. The study showed that they are preferred by pedagogical professionals – teachers, resource teachers and parents. The expert opinion of the school psychologist and resource teachers on the progress in personal development of students with whom the above approaches are worked on using information and communication technology tools is shared. It is shown that the use of own tools of information and communication
technology in the work with students with learning needs and disabilities leads to
results in the educational process and personal development.
Keywords: inclusive education; information and communication technologies;
learning needs; SEN; ICT