The Reception Of Bulgarian Political Speech By Foreign Students
Absract. The article presents the conclusions of a scientific experiment conducted with foreign students at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. In extracurricular classes, students observe and analyze the speech of Bulgarian politicians and must prepare a scientifically based commentary on their verbal and nonverbal behavior, comparing it with the political situation (politicians and political speech) in their own countries. The object of scientific analysis in this text are the conclusions related to language aggression in public speech, the dynamics of language processes and in particular the discrepancies between the literary normative complex (which for foreign students is leading and representative) and the trends set by usus as parallel language models. Important markers accompanying political communication such as representation, speech readiness, appropriate uses, and the ability to switch language codes are also considered.
Keywords: political speech; language culture; conversational markers; dynamics of language processes
Dr. Vladislav Milanov
Sofia University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem associated with the use of digital means in the field of teaching foreign languages. The purpose of the article is the selection and systematization of educational digital means used in modern linguistic education, the linguodidactic potential of which most fully corresponds to the specifics of the subject “Foreign language” and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, as well as the identification of their typological
characteristics. The basis for identifying generalized features and linguodidactic
capabilities of various e-learning tools was the reliance on systemic and typological
approaches using methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization.
Based on the results of the study, digital teaching aids were typologized by the
functions they perform in the process of teaching foreign languages and by the
nature of these tools themselves. Each typological group included digital means that
most fully meet the requirements of standards for the quality of language educationand its results. The revealed typological characteristics of the indicated digital means are intended to simplify the teacher's choice of digital means for solving specific educational tasks and to help maximize their specific linguodidactic functions.
Keywords: е-learning; e-learning tool; foreign language; e-learning technologies for foreign languages
1) Dr. Bartosh Dana, 2) Prof. Dr. Galskova Natalia
1) Dr. Kharlamova Maria; 3) Prof. Dr. Stoyanova Elena
Pushkin State Russian Language Institute
Moscow, Russia
2) Moscow State Regional University
Moscow, Russia
3) Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen
Shumen, Bulgaria
The Media And Objective Interpretations Of New Zealand In Slovakia
Absract.The first part of this study looks at what New Zealand and Slovakia have in common despite their great distance from each other; both countries have around five million inhabitants and cultivate a national identity closely bound to their agricultural past. The study also points out that while the Slovak–New Zealand bilateral relationship on an economic, political, or person-to-person level is certainly not that intensive, Slovaks nonetheless have particular perceptions of New Zealand. The image of New Zealand in Slovakia is a highly positive one, primarily thanks to television, the Internet, and other mass media. In its conclusion, the study examines the image and perceptions of New Zealand in Slovakia by analysing local media sources and drawing on the author’s ten years of experience as a teacher of New Zealand studies at a Slovak university. The presented picture of New Zealand is a contribution to the discussion of the popular perception of that country in Central Europe, particularly through the lens of university students, who over the years have taken classes examining New Zealand society and its institutions as a part of their broader education in British and American studies.
Keywords: New Zealand; Slovakia; media image; teaching New Zealand studies
Dr. John Peter Butler Barrer
Comenius University in Bratislava
Bratislava, Slovakia
Teaching Hungarian Studies Internationally: The Case Of Comenius University In Bratislava
Absract. The present paper addresses issues of teaching Hungarian language and culture outside of Hungary, with special attention to Comenius University in Bratislava. In the first part of the paper, the author overviews the historical aspects of teaching the Hungarian language and Hungarian studies and describes the multifaceted nature of the work of visiting instructors in this field as well as the processes of cultural diplomacy that underlie it. The second part of the paper provides an insight into the work and special tasks of the visiting instructors from Hungary working at the Department of
Keywords: Hungarian Language and Literature, Comenius University, from the founding of the department to the present.
Dr. Katarína Misadová, Assoc. Prof.
Department of Hungarian Language and Literature
Faculty of Arts
Comenius University
Bratislava, Slovakia
Teaching Hungarian As A Foreign Language – Historical Cross-Section Through The Lector’s Perspective
Absract. The aim of this paper is to describe the professional career of Orsolya Nádor, associate professor of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Budapest and current guest professor of the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature of Comenius University in Bratislava. Nádor’s professional career is focused on teaching Hungarian as a foreign language and ensuring the institutional and methodological background of this profession. The first part of the paper gives an overview about the history of teaching Hungarian as a foreign language (from the times of Matthias Bel to the establishment of the pedagogical study programme of Hungarian as a foreign language in 1982).
The second part of the paper focuses on the Nádor’s professional career and through it also gives an overview about the history of this field from the 1980’s, when Nádor’s career started. The paper emphasizes her important role in the development of teaching Hungarian as a foreign language by discussing some of her theoretical works and practical syllabuses, highlighting the establishment of the pedagogical study programme of Hungarian as a second language at Károli Gáspár University, and by describing the fourteenvolume handbook of teaching Hungarian as a foreign language edited by Nádor.
Keywords: Hungarian as a foreign language; history; associate professor Orsolya Nádor; foreign lector
Dr. Szilárd Sebők
Department of Hungarian Language and Literature
Faculty of Arts
Comenius University
Bratislava, Slovakia
Contemporary Tendencies in Linguodidactic Studies
Raya Zhivkova-Krupeva
“St. Kliment Ohridski” University of Sofia (Bulgaria)
Vitaliy Kostomarov
Dr. Antonia Pencheva
Society of Russianists of Bulgaria
Presidium Member of MAPRYAL
The Police Terminology In The New Greek Language Learning Up To Level B2 From The Common European Framework Of References
Boyanova, D. (2018) Βιβλίο ασκήσεων της νέας ελληνικής γλώσσας για επαγγελματικούς σκοπούς (επίπεδο Β2) / Βιβλίο ασκήσεων της νέας ελληνικής γλώσσας
για επαγγελματικούς σκοπούς (επίπεδο Β2)Sofia: Akademiya
na Ministerstvoto
na vatreshnite raboti, 87 p. ISBN: 9789543481666
Dr. Kalin Vassilev
Department of Foreign Languages
Academy of Ministry of Interior
Formation Of Soft Skills In The Process Of Mastering Productive Innovative Technologies
1) Prof. Leonid Moskovkin, 2) Prof. Dr. Galina Shamonina
1) St. Petersburg State University
2) Secretary General Varna Free University
Affectonymes In The Russian Language
Absract. The article is devoted to the description of affectonymes (affectionate names) – a stratum of emotive vocabulary that plays a significant role in the Russian etiquette and (linguo)culture. The analysis of the list of affectonymes represented in the «Dictionary of the Russian speech etiquette» by A. G. Balakay helps to highlight their universal and idioethnic features, describe their emotionally evaluative meaning and outline the linguoculturological potential of these units.
Keywords: affectonyme (affectionate names); emotive language; etiquette; linguoculturology.
Valeriy Efremov
Russian Language Department
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Saint Petersburg, Russia
To The Problem Of Formation Of Rhetorical Culture Of A High School Teacher
Absract. The teacher has a special role in the development and improvement of speech culture in the society. The teacher’s word as his main instrument must be the model of verbal intelligence, the model of high speech culture. This article deals with the typical lecturer’s speech errors and investigates means to avoid errors during the specialized course in the system of professional development.
This article presents analysis and monitoring of speech etiquette of teachers of different subjects, highlights experience of how to refer to spell books and various dictionaries and introduces different ways of improving communicative activity through the system of professional development at Samara State Transport University.
Keywords: teacher; communicative activity; speech image; improvement; academic eloquence; speech errors; professional development; lexicography; course plan
Prof. Liudmila Luneva
ederal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Samara State Transport University
Phrasemes With A Colorative Component In The Process Of Teaching Russian As A Foreign Language
Absract. The article is devoted to the Russian phrasemes with a colorative component as a means of forming linguo-cultural competence and developing emotional intelligence during the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The phraseological units as a linguistic and cultural sign always evoke strong interest among linguists and also the neophrasemes further enrich the lexico-phraseological system and conceptualize reality through emotional images. The main focus of the research includes analysis of the expressional and emotional characteristics of the phrasemes mentioned above. The article is interdisciplinary: it reveals a structural-semantic typology, as well as a system of exercises that can be involved in the teaching process when developing the listening, reading, writing and speaking on level B1-B2 in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Keywords: linguoculturology; neophraseme; colorative component; methods of teaching; Russian as a foreign language; emotional intelligence
1) Dr. Nadya Cherneva 2) Dr. Boryana Tencheva
Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv
Plovdiv, Bulgaria