Prof. Dimitar Vesselinov, DSc.
Sofia University
Absract. The aim of the article is to present the history of a French loanword, introduced in Bulgarian language by the poet-publicist Hristo Botev. The research is within the realm of diachronic empruntology, viewed as a science for tracking interlanguage lexical transfers in their chronological order. The object of research
is the lexeme "francophile", in the process of work the method of empruntological diachronic analysis being applied, which includes establishing the first text fixation
of the french loan in standard Bulgarian language. The fate of the word in French
and in Bulgarian languages is presented. Parallelly with this different derivative
forms, which are compared to their Bulgarian counterparts. The results obtained allow for reconstruction of Bulgarian language fate of the French lexical creation "francophile" in a formal and semantic perspective, allowing for comparison of connotative uses of the French loan word francophile.
Keywords: empruntology; empruntism; frenchism; Bulgarian language; empruntological analyse; francophile