The Passions of Soul in the Old and New Bulgarian Literaturе: Comparative Analysis
Dr. Hristo Saldzhiev, Assoc. Prof.
Trakia University
Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
Absract. The article explores a big number of lexical and figurative similarities concerning the passions of the soul conveyed in the works of two authors who take significant place in the history of the medieval and modern Bulgarian literature – the first one is the XIV century author of religious anthems – Efrem and the second is Yavorov – one of the most famous Bulgarian poets from the very beginning of the XX century....
Hristo Botev as Seen By His Biographers
Dr. Anna Alexieva, Senior Assist. Prof.
Institute for Literature - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Absract. The paper is focused on the book “Hristo Botyov – an attempt for a biography” (1888) by Zachary Stoyanov...
L’humanisme qui passe par l’abîme: Thomas Mann and Marguerite Yourcenar
Francheska Zemyarska, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. In her essay, “Humanism and Hermeticism in Thomas Mann” (1955 – 1962), Marguerite Yourcenar offers a nuanced examination of Thomas Mann's oeuvre as a conduit for probing the transmutations of a contemporary humanism, which has weathered an intense existential conundrum exemplified by the concept of l'humanisme qui passe par l'abîme or humanism that has “passed through the abyss.”...
The Language of the Eonomos Dimitar Petkanov (Lexical and Stylistic Aspects)
Dr. Teodora G. Ilieva, Assist. Prof.
Faculty of Education
Trakia University -Stara Zagora
Absract. The publication examines several lexical and stylistic fragments, which are fundamental for deciphering the linguistic handwriting of the understudied talented hymnwriter and storyteller eonomost Dimitar Petkanov, brother of the famous writer Konstantin Petkanov...
The Banat Bulgarians between the Banat Speech and the Palken Language
Dr. Magdalena Abadzhieva, Chief Assistant
Institute for Bulgarian Language “Prof. Ljubomir Andreychin”
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria)
Absract. The article examines the concepts of “Banat speech” and “Palken language” in the context of the aspirations of the Banat Bulgarians to preserve their cultural identity...
The Place of Popular Bulgarian Song Lyrics in Bulgarian Language Education for Ukrainian Refugees
Dr. Bilyana Todorova, Assoc. Prof.
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
Absract. Recently, an increased interest in learning Bulgarian by foreign citizens or by Bulgarians and people of Bulgarian origin outside the borders of Bulgaria has been observed...
Media Literacy – A (Not) Lost Cause
Andreana Eftimova. Strangers claim. Linguistic markers for (un)credibility in the media text (UI "St. Kliment Ohridski", 2023
Prof. Dr. Mariya Ilieva
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
In the Footsteps of the Interwar Traveler in Europe and America (М. Ruseva. Poetics of the Road in Bulgarian Literature of the 1920s and 1930s)
Ruseva, M. (2022). Poetics of the Road in Bulgarian Literature of the 1920s and 1930s. Sofia: University Publishing House “St. Kliment Ohridski”. 346 p
Anton Nikolov
Sofia University
Round Table „Bulgarian Studies Today in Greece – Academic Centres, Research Fields, Educational Programmes“ within the National Scientific Programme „Development and Promotion of Bulgarian Studies Abroad“
Trayana Lateva, PhD Candidate
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Summer School “On Bulgarians Today – The Young in Dialogue” (Ahtopol, 2 – 13 July 2023)
Dimitar Karamitev, PhD student, Elka Petrova, PhD student
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”