On Language Policy in the Education of Young People in Multinational States
Prof. Maria Stoicheva, PhD,
Ekaterina Stanova, PhD student
Sofia University
Absract. This article presents theoretical aspects of language policy in the education of young people in multinational states, drawing on the experience of the Republic of Moldova. An emphasis is placed on the interaction between language and state education policy, clarifying the legal framework in the multinational state in question. The opportunities different ethnic groups, which historically live on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, have with regard to studying their mother tongue in the country‘s schools are outlined....
Prof. Krasimira Aleksova, DSc.
Sofia University
Absract. The main goal of the present work is to argue that in the teaching of Bulgarian in school, not only the indicative and the renarrative, but also the other two indirect evidentials – the conclusive and the dubitative – should be included...
“The Soul of the Teacher” in the Field of Choice, Bifurcation and Intertextuality
Prof. Adriana Damyanova, DSc.
Sofia University
Absract. The text is focused on the idea of Elin-Pelinov’s short story “The Soul of the Teacher” being included in the curriculum for the 12th grade, and more specifically – in the development of the theme “The choice and the bifurcation”...
“Reader‘s Rights” in Literature Education and the Student Reader‘s Blog
Dr. Natalija Hristova, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. This article focuses on the contemporary turn away from reading in literature education...
Levels of Students‘ Media Culture (Survey)
Dr. Despina Vasileva, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. This paper presents a survey among students aimed at identifying levels of media and digital citizenship when working in an online environment. The task of the study is to examine which types of behaviour are typical for students when working with media texts in terms of the degree of sensitivity to media texts, the degree of reflection on civic issues, the degree of reflection on the distribution and content of media texts...
The Architectonics of Karaliychev‘s Travel Books in the 1930s and 1940s
Dr. Roman Hadjikosev, Assoc. Prof.
South-West University „Neofit Rilski“
Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Absract. This article presents a study of Angel Karaliychev’s travel books during the second period of his development...
Prof. Miroslav Yanakiev's 100th Anniversary
Prof. Dr. Tatyana Angelova
Sofia University
Absract. The article commemorates the 100th anniversary of the birth of Prof. Miroslav Yanakiev. The author defends the thesis that the scientist “setˮ a model of behavior as a linguist – encyclopedist with his own, original position on the issues of linguistics and sciences, related to it, with a truly memorable participation in the development of Bulgarian language teaching and language education in general...
Teofano Popova – the Teacher, the Beneficiary, the Public Figure
Petar Mihaylov, PhD student
Institute for Literature
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sofia, Bulgaria
(17 – 19 November 2023, Harmanli)
Absract. The article presents the personality of the teacher, social worker, translator, benefactor – Teofano Popova. Her literary heritage remains understudied and lesser known....
Оn the Enigmas and Paradigms in Women’s Writing (Gesheva, R., 2023. Enigmas and paradigms in some 20th Century Italian Women Writers)
GESHEVA, R., 2023. Enigmas and paradigms in some 20th Century Italian Women Writers. Sofia: Paradigma. [in Bulgarian]. ISBN 978-954-326-506-0.
Prof. Dr. Ilka Birova
Sofia University
First International Scientific and Applied Conference “Contact of Languages and Cultures the Bulgarian Language in the Context of the Migrant Crisis and the Adaptation of Refugees” November 17 – 19, 2023, Harmanli
(17 – 19 November 2023, Harmanli)
Dr. Reni Manova
Sofia University