Silvia Rusimova
Senior Teacher in Biology
“Prof. Emanuil Ivanov” Mathematics High School
Kyustendil, Bulgaria
Absract. The text examines the role of the learning experiment and the work
on projects for formation of students‘ key competences in natural sciences. With
its realization, we confirmed that the learning experiment and the project work are
methods of actively understanding the scientific research, while the curriculum
in the field of natural sciences suggests a wide range of practical exercises. The
methods used were assumed to be of great importance for acquiring knowledge,
skills and habits, and as one of the methods of creating a positive attiude. The paper
examines the way the idea originates, what are the aims, tasks and activities of the
project and what results have been achieved. The project was awarded by the jury
of the 17th National Competition for Natural Sciences and Ecology – Vidin, 2018,
with the special prize for practical applicability. In the course of its implementation,
a situation emerged which made it possible to generate revenue later embedded in
Keywords: experiment; key competences; natural science; exercises; results
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