Prof. Boyan Mednikarov, DSc. Prof. Yuliyan Tsonev
Dr. Borislav Nikolov, Prof. Andon Lazarov, DSc.
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy
Abstract. In the present study based on the main characteristics and components of the cyber hygiene as a subclass of the cyber security, educational challenges on the cyber hygiene in military area are considered. Based on institutional experience in the scope of the cyber security in the digital environment, a sequence of activities to keep resilient and reliable cyber hygiene in army organizations are analyzed and recommended. Definitions of basic cyber hygiene characteristics are suggested. Cyber hygiene software issues and institutional information security controls are discussed. A malware infection as main cyber hygiene concern is analyzed. Fundamental cyber hygiene instructions to ensure military Internet users and institutions stay protected are defined. Exemplary curriculum for education of military staff with basic themes is presented.
Keywords: Cyber hygiene; Cyber security; Cyber hygiene’s instructions