Petar Mihaylov, PhD student
Institute for Literature - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Absract. The reason for writing this article is the 130th anniversary of the appearance of this first methodology, studying our native language. It turns out that the ideas and observations shared by Vela Blagoeva are working and important for our era – terminology such as: reading literacy, functional literacy, are particularly relevant. The connection between a specific literary work of art and its linguistic
analysis is an aspiration of the overall teaching of Bulgarian language and literature.
The idea of systematization in the educational process is a requirement that is fundamental in our methodological work today. V. Blagoeva's work is the production, the compilation of a complete student written text. The practical direction in the guide proposed by the author is the main aspiration of our pedagogical work today. Of interest is the connection between picture and language sense, interpretation, speaking skills.
Keywords: methodology; Bulgarian language; reading skills; reading literacy; functional literacy; language analysis; system; creation of written text; picture and word; speaking skills