Dr. Teodora Valova, Assoc. Prof.
Medical university – Pleven
Absract. The article represents the current pedagogical problem of buildinghuman relationships that foreign students face in Bulgarian second language acquisition for medical purposes in the conditions of Covid-19 and social distancing. A number of observed problems in the context of e-learning are analyzed. Special
attention is paid to various aspects of academic communication with foreign medical
students during the pandemic. Specific examples which can be used to prove that the
usage of digital devices and content over a long period of time exacerbates the deficit
of personal contacts and adds specific challenges to the multi- subject interaction:
teacher – student – patient are given. The article outlines methodological ideas and
tasks used in the distance learning environment in order to form both human e
algorithms in the professional behavior of future medical professionals from other
countries and skills for ethical communication in the healthcare.
Keywords: human relationships; pandemic; foreign students; e-learning; medical university