Ani Zlateva, Katya Tineva-Giurkovska
Trakia University -Stara Zagora
Absract. In this report, some of the main aspects of pedagogical work mainly
connected with the primary introduction of the kids of different age groups with
the visual arts in museum or gallery environment are taken into consideration. The
variety of communication with the pieces of art and the need for interaction in their
presenting and conceiving is emphasized. In the research are studied the stages
and dynamics of the processes which the participants in the project experience for
chosen pieces of Bulgarian art and the specifics of the interactive communication
with them is shown. For achieving the aims of the research, the chosen environment
is different than the school environment. Here are shown the possibilities for
activating the visual conception of students and kids through the contact with the
original canvases of the artists. The aspects of the process of interaction between the
different participants which forms the main stages of the research – the connection
between the curator and children, curator and students, picture and children etc. are
also shown, and traced. A summary is made of the pedagogical methods used and
the achieved results. The aim of the research is to analyze the degree of interest in the kids for the
different pieces of art, according to their stylistic and genre belonging in the museum
environment. In the preparation for the experiment are chosen artworks in advance and
interactive pedagogical models for working with them. In the process of the research
are applied traditional and interactive methods of pedagogical communication, which
aim to provoke the interest for the pieces of art. For the analysis of the received data
we used the standard methods for pedagogical researches, which include: empirical
– pedagogical experiment, praximetric – observation, analysis of the children’s
pieces of art, content analysis, quantity and quality analysis of the received empiric
data, expert evaluation. Based on the experiment, some conclusions regarding the
style, genre, and the preferred colors from the kids to certain pieces of art are made,
as well as the degree of influence and interaction in the communication with the
visual arts of this preference. The received results from the research could have
practical applicability in fine arts education, regarding the choice of pieces of art,
included in the education, analysis and illustration of different studying problems in
the educational process.
Keywords: interactive communication; visual arts; museum environment