Implementation of Ballast Water Management Convention Requirements in Maritime Education
Prof. Dr. Blagovest Belev
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Ballast Water Management Convention entered into force on the 8th of September 2017. Nevertheless, six years later, many problems are still waiting for their solution…
A Fair Concern about ECDIS
Nikolay Sozonov, Assist. Prof.
Dr. Dilyan Dimitranov, Assist. Prof.
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Digital technology introduced a lot of benefits in the shipping industry but the relation between the equipment and the operator remains paramount and essential…
Composing a Standard for Electronic Chart Display and Information System Type Specific Training
Dr. Dimitar Komitov, Assist. Prof.
Aleksandrina Angelova, Assist. Prof.
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) training is accepted as extremely important for safety in modern navigation. At present, two types of training are required for deck officers…
Developing Security – Related Activities for Maritime English Instruction
Dr. Galina Velikova, Assoc. Prof.
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The paper deals with developing teaching materials dedicated to the ISPS Code and issues related to handling stowaways on board ship….
Data-Driven Learning Approach to Maritime English
Jana Kegalj,
Dr. Mirjana Borucinsky, Assoc. Prof.
Dr. Sandra Tominac Coslovich, Assoc. Prof.
University of Rijeka (Croatia)
Abstract. In the current context of exponential growth of knowledge, it is necessary to acquire new skills to enhance our knowledge in accordance with the fluctuating needs on the labour market…
How Much English Grammar is Needed in the Ship’s Engine Room
Tomislav Skračić
University of Split (Croatia)
Abstract. At the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Split, marine engineers have the opportunity to attend an ESP (English for Specific Purposes) course as part of the Special Education Program for Seafarers, which is a prerequisite for their career advancement…
English Medium Instruction (EMI) and Maritime English Course: Higher Education Internationalization in Indonesia
Dr. Nurmala Elmin Simbolon
Politeknik Negeri Pontianak (Indonesia)
Abstract. The popularity of English medium instruction (EMI) practice in Indonesia has experienced a substantial increase in recent years…
Developing Critical Thinking Skills through the “Case Study” Teaching Method in Maritime English Language Teaching (MELT)
Tamila Mikeladze, Assoc. Prof.
Svetlana Rodinadze, Assoc. Prof.
Prof. Dr. Zurab Bezhanovi,
Kristine Zarbazoia, Assoc. Prof.
Medea Abashidze, Assoc. Prof.
Kristine Iakobadze
LEPL Batumi State Maritime Academy (Georgia)
Abstract. The importance of getting maritime students to think for themselves is essential for becoming professional seafarers in the marine industry, as in the twenty-first century, critical thinking skills strongly reflect on the quality of performed professional duties and impact on safe navigation at sea…
Maritime English at a Hellenic Merchant Marine Academy: the English for Specific Purposes’ Branch Meets the Intercultural Communication Competence Theory
Dr. Helen Iakovaki, Assist. Prof.
Maria Koutiva
University of the Aegean (Greece)
Abstract. The two authors designed and piloted a novel Questionnaire for the measurement of intercultural awareness at the Deck department of a Hellenic Merchant Marine Academy, where the second author was employed to teach Maritime English…
Using Realistic Movies as an Attractive Strategy for Teaching Maritime
Dr. Svitlana Korieshkova, Assoc. Prof.,
Maria Didenko
State University of Infrastructure and Technologies (Ukraine)
Abstract. This article explores effective techniques for teaching Maritime English using movies on marine topics. Several choices relate to the multimodality, authenticity of the material, and construction of language units…
Maximizing Students’ Learning in Maritime English Online Course
Prof. Dr. Valentyna Kudryavtseva,
Dr. Svitlana Barsuk, Assoc. Prof.
Dr. Olena Frolova, Assoc. Prof.
Kherson State Maritime Academy (Ukraine)
Abstract. The current appeal within MET to design effective online courses has arisen from the necessity to develop flexible learning environment to reinforce student background knowledge and widen student access to information…
The Maritime Domain-Specific Corpus: Compilation and Applications
Yan Zhang, Shijie Liu
Shanghai Maritime University (China)
Abstract. This paper reports on the compilation of a multi-genre maritime domain-specific corpus and the research methods used to analyze it…
The Importance and Effectiveness of the Teaching of Maritime English (ESP) in a Merchant Maritime Academy: Investigating the Opinions and Points of Parties Involved
Sofia Koutsogianni
Greek Merchant Marine Academy of Aspropyrgos (Greece)
Abstract. It is widely known that the English language is the working language of shipping industry. In 2001, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) adopted the Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) and via one of its major Conventions, STCW 95, the teaching of Maritime English – a core competence of all Deck officers used to minimize communication problems onboard vessels – has become a mandatory part of the education of officers in every white-listed training institution…