Jovana Djordjevic, Assist. Prof.
University of Kragujevac (Serbia)
Abstract. This research was based on the premise that in-service preschool teachers lack necessary knowledge and confidence in discussing works of art with preschool children most probably as a result of insufficient formal education within the early art education domain. Therefore we developed an experimental educational program for our students – future preschool teachers, with hypothesis that it could provide them with basic knowledge, skills, and self-confidence to implement art-viewing and art appreciation activities in preschool education. Results indicate that proposed approach to future preschool teachers’ training in developing and implementing meaningful art-viewing activities with preschool children can effectively influence their knowledge, skills and confidence. However, it was also concluded, that in order to make it a regular element of preschool teachers’ education program, it should be adjusted more efficiently in context of already existing syllabus.
Keywords: future preschool teacher education, meaningful art-viewing activities, experimental education program, practical training, early art education