Beyond Epitomic Dimensions
Yoana Sirakova Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” Paolo Felice Sacchi and Marco Formisano (Eds.) Epitomic Writing in Late Antiquity...
Вижте повечеYoana Sirakova Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” Paolo Felice Sacchi and Marco Formisano (Eds.) Epitomic Writing in Late Antiquity...
Вижте повечеDarin Tenev Sofia University (Boyan Manchev, World and Freedom. Transcendental Philosophy and Modal Ontology, Sofia: New Bulgraian University Press,...
Вижте повечеDimitar Vatsov New Bulgarian University The book intertwines two main interpretative lines. On the one hand, it offers an...
Вижте повечеМария Калинова Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“ Summary. The article examines the problem of the technological end of the...
Вижте повечеОгнян Касабов Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“ Abstract. The article gives a new reading of the famous Ode to...
Вижте повечеSvetlana Alexandrova Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Abstract. The paper aims to trace the change in the public discourse regarding...
Вижте повечеLatchezar Tomov New Bulgarian University Abstract. The concept of cosmos (κόσμος), introduced by Pythagoras, conveys beauty and order, integrating...
Вижте повечеБоряна Ангелова-Игова Национална спортна академия „Васил Левски“ Abstract. In this article, I will try to trace the metamorphosis of...
Вижте повечеBernard Andrieu Université Paris Cité Abstract. Both going from Bulgaria to Paris to do their doctorates in philosophy, Julia...
Вижте повечеСтилиян Йотов Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“ Abstract. The article examines the principles of stability and civil disobedience in...
Вижте повечеСофия 1113, бул. “Цариградско шосе” № 125, бл. 5