Prof. Oleg Bazaluk, DSc.
Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, Maoming (China)
Abstract. The article answers the question: “How does the agathos of Dasein-psyche and Dasein-Intelligent-Matter come into being?” or “How does the meaningful-presence of Dasein-psyche and Dasein-Intelligent-Matter come about?” The author turns to the philosophy of Plato and Heidegger and presents Dasein-psyche as an elementary structure or a Dasein-Intelligent-Matter actor. The Dasein-psyche’s meaningful presence is significantly conditioned by the focus and limits of the arete potency, set by Dasein-Intelligent-Matter. The anthropologization of Dasein transforms the individual discourse and a way of life in accordance with the arete potency. The arete potency is the source of Dasein-psyche’s meaningful presence. The anthropologization of Dasein sets free arete, providing the transforming of the arete existentials potency into the energy of Dasein-psyche’s meaningful presence. The disclosedness of arete is an “ideal” state of the Dasein-psyche sustainable development and prosperity, the agathos of Dasein-psyche and Dasein-Intelligent-Matter.
Keywords: Dasein-psyche; anthropologization of Dasein; agathos; meaningful-presence; arete; existential of arete